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Get Fit and Stay Fit

Tae Kwon-Do


  • Programmes to fit the needs of Children & Adults of all ages

  • Learn to defend yourself in today’s society

  • Improve your self-esteem and increase self-confidence

  • Become fitter and lose weight whilst learning a martial art

  • Improve your flexibility and strength

  • Achieve your goal, whether fitness or moving through the belts

Home: Welcome
Here to help you.....

Mark Gilluley

TAGB and BTC Qualified International Instructor

4th Dan Black Belt

British Champion  2019-2021


Louisa Gilluley

Qualified Assistant Instructor

3rd Dan Black Belt

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Nicole Gilluley

Qualified Assistant Instructor

2nd Dan Black Belt

Home: TeamMember

Class Times

Monday: 6:00pm - Beginners 

Monday: 7:00pm - Intermediate and advanced

Monday: 8:00pm - Advanced 


Friday: 6:00pm - Beginners

Friday: 7:00pm - Intermediate and advanced

Home: OpeningHours
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Taekwondo Association of Great Britain (T.A.G.B)

The Tae Kwon-Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB) is a nationally recognised Tae Kwon-Do organisation.

It was formed in 1983 and has since become the founding member of the British Tae Kwon-Do Council (BTC) which is recognised by the United Kingdom Sports Council.

TAGB instructors are highly qualified, accredited individuals with many years' experience in teaching mixed classes which often include young children and disability groups. Training in Tae Kwon-Do can start at any age. TAGB members start as young as five and recently one of our members gained his fifth dan black belt on his 70th birthday! Because of its high-kicking, fast-paced style Tae Kwon-Do is a thoroughly modern way of getting fit.

The TAGB is a great advocate of fun and fitness at an early age and TAGB instructors often work with local schools to teach self-defence.

As the largest martial arts organisation in the world the TAGB has over 25,000 accredited members, 600 schools, and organises seminars with World Masters, demonstrations, and national, regional and international championships every month of the year.

The TAGB is not just concerned with its own development. That is why it has played a leading role in the reunification of British Tae Kwon-Do into one body. In 1988, the TAGB helped found the British Tae Kwon-Do Council (BTC), this being the only governing body of Tae Kwon-Do to be recognised by the Sports Council. The TAGB also helped found Tae Kwon-Do International, the object of which is to bring together Tae Kwon-Do practioners throughout the World. Tae Kwon-Do International is non-political and it doesn't ttempt to dictate to member countries how they must run their affairs. Since its foundation in 1993, Tae Kwon-Do International has grown to become one of the biggest World Tae Kwon-Do bodies. Its World Championships are amongst the largest and best organised and it draws its participation from every contingent.

Tae Kwon Do training is about learning to discipline your mind as well as your body and TAGB instructors always include elements in their teaching which help their students to develop mentally as well as physically.

With clubs throughout the country the TAGB is the ideal organisation for learning a martial art that has evolved through a 3,000 year history to become the newest Olympic sport.

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Our classes are for all ages from five years old and for all levels of fitness, we will help you with:


  • Confidence

  • Self-Control

  • Physical Fitness


Learn to defend yourself and gain confidence in a safe environment

There are regular competitions to test yourself


Traditional Tae Kwon-Do

A set of fundamental movements, mainly in defence or attack, set in a logical sequence against one or more imaginary opponents

Regular grading to test your skills and move to the next level


Fitness work

Increase your fitness and lose weight at the same time as learning your martial art

Give us a call today and sign up for an upcoming class.

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Contact Us

Sir Matt Busby Sports Complex 

Main Street, Bellshill ML4 3DP


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Sir Matt Busby Sports Complex
Main Street, Bellshill ML4 3DP

©2017 by Bellshill TAGB Tae Kwon-Do . Proudly created with

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